# GuideObjects

# CoordinateSystem

Kind: global class

# new CoordinateSystem(no, coordinate_system_type, comment, params)

Creates coordinate system

Returns: Object - Created coordinate system

Param Type Description
no Number Index of coordinate system, can be undefined
coordinate_system_type String type of coordinate system
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params Object Additional coordinate system parameters, can be undefined

# coordinateSystem.GetCoordinateSystem() ⇒

Kind: instance method of CoordinateSystem
Returns: Coordinate system object

# coordinateSystem.GetNo() ⇒

Kind: instance method of CoordinateSystem
Returns: Coordinate system number

# coordinateSystem.Offset(no, original_point, comment, params) ⇒

Create coordinate system with "offset" type

Kind: instance method of CoordinateSystem
Returns: Created coordinate system

Param Type Description
no Number Index of coordinate system, can be undefined
original_point Array Coordinates of original point
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params Object Additional parameters, can be undefined

# coordinateSystem.ThreePoints(no, original_point, u_axis_point_coordinate, uw_plane_point_coordinate, comment, params) ⇒

Create coordinate system with "3 Points" type

Kind: instance method of CoordinateSystem
Returns: Created coordinate system

Param Type Description
no Number Index of coordinate system, can be undefined
original_point Array Coordinates of original point
u_axis_point_coordinate Array Coordinates of u axis point
uw_plane_point_coordinate Array Coordinates of uw plane point
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params Object Additional parameters, can be undefined

# coordinateSystem.TwoPointsAndAngle(no, original_point, uw_plane_point_coordinate, uw_plane_angle, comment, params) ⇒

Create coordinate system with "2 Points and Angle" type

Kind: instance method of CoordinateSystem
Returns: Created coordinate system

Param Type Description
no Number Index of coordinate system, can be undefined
original_point Array Coordinates of original point
uw_plane_point_coordinate Array Coordinates of uw plane point
uw_plane_angle Number Rotation of UW-plane in radians
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params Object Additional parameters, can be undefined

# coordinateSystem.PointAndThreeAngels(no, original_point, rotation_angle_1, rotation_angle_2, rotation_angle_3, rotation_angles_sequence, comment, params) ⇒

Create coordinate system with "Points and Three Angles" type

Kind: instance method of CoordinateSystem
Returns: Created coordinate system

Param Type Description
no Number Index of coordinate system, can be undefined
original_point Array Coordinates of original point
rotation_angle_1 Number Rotational angle in radians, can be undefined
rotation_angle_2 Number Rotational angle in radians, can be undefined
rotation_angle_3 Number Rotational angle in radians, can be undefined
rotation_angles_sequence String Rotational angle sequence, can be undefined
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params Object Additional parameters, can be undefined

# createBaseCoordinateSystem(no, comment, params) ⇒ Object

Create coordinate system (private)

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Created coordinate system

Param Type Description
no Number Index of coordinate system, can be undefined
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params Object Additional coordinate system parameters, can be undefined