# Loading

# DesignSituation

Kind: global class

# new DesignSituation(no, design_situation_type, params, comment)

Creates design situation object

Returns: Created design situation object

Param Type Description
no Number Number of design situation, can be undefined
design_situation_type String Design situation type
params Object Additional parameters, can be undefined
comment String Comment, can be undefined

# designSituation.GetDesignSituation() ⇒

Returns internal Design Situation object

Kind: instance method of DesignSituation
Returns: Internal Design Situation object

# designSituation.GetNo() ⇒

Returns number of Design Situation

Kind: instance method of DesignSituation
Returns: Number of Design Situation

# designSituation.SetCombinationWizard(combination_wizard_no)

Sets combination wizard

Kind: instance method of DesignSituation

Param Type Description
combination_wizard_no Object Combination wizard number

# designSituation.SetConsiderInclusiveExclusiveLoadCases(relationship_between_load_cases_no)

Sets relationship between load cases

Kind: instance method of DesignSituation

Param Type Description
relationship_between_load_cases_no Object Relationship between load cases number

# designSituation.SetActive(active)

Enables/disables design situation

Kind: instance method of DesignSituation

Param Type Description
active Boolean Design situation is enabled or disabled, can be undefined (true as default)

# LoadCase

Kind: global class

# new LoadCase(no, name, comment, params)

Creates load case

Returns: Object of LoadCase

Param Type
no Number
name String
comment String
params Object

# loadCase.StaticAnalysis(no, name, staticAnalysisSettingsNo, ActionCategory, selfWeighParams, stabilityAnalysisSettingsNo, comment, params) ⇒

Kind: instance method of LoadCase
Returns: Object of LoadCase

Param Type
no Number
name String
staticAnalysisSettingsNo Number
ActionCategory String
selfWeighParams Array
stabilityAnalysisSettingsNo Number
comment String
params Object

# loadCase.ModalAnalysis(no, name, modalAnalysisSettingsNo, importMassesFrom, selfWeighParams, comment, params) ⇒

Kind: instance method of LoadCase
Returns: Object of LoadCase

Param Type
no Number
name String
modalAnalysisSettingsNo Number
importMassesFrom Boolean
selfWeighParams Array
comment String
params Object

# loadCase.ResponseSpectrumAnalysis(no, name, responseSpectrumAnalysisSettingsNo, importModalAnalysisFrom, responseSpectrums, comment, params) ⇒

Kind: instance method of LoadCase
Returns: Object of LoadCase

Param Type
no Number
name String
responseSpectrumAnalysisSettingsNo Number
importModalAnalysisFrom Number
responseSpectrums Array
comment String
params Object

# loadCase.WindSimulation(no, name, staticAnalysisSettingsNo, windAnalysisSettingsNo, windProfileNo, windDirection, terrainOffset, stabilityAnalysisSettingsNo, comment, params) ⇒

Kind: instance method of LoadCase
Returns: Object of LoadCase

Param Type
no Number
name String
staticAnalysisSettingsNo Number
windAnalysisSettingsNo Number
windProfileNo Number
windDirection String
terrainOffset Number
stabilityAnalysisSettingsNo Number
comment String
params Object

# loadCase.ConsiderImperfection(imperfectionCaseNo)

Kind: instance method of LoadCase

Param Type
imperfectionCaseNo Number

# loadCase.SetStructureModification(structureModificationNo)

Kind: instance method of LoadCase

Param Type
structureModificationNo Number

# loadCase.GetActionCategoryList() ⇒

Kind: instance method of LoadCase
Returns: List of action categories

# loadCase.GetLoadCase() ⇒

Kind: instance method of LoadCase
Returns: Load case object

# loadCase.GetNo() ⇒

Kind: instance method of LoadCase
Returns: Number of Load case

# ResultCombination

Kind: global class

# new ResultCombination(no, design_situation_no, load_case_items, load_combination_items, combination_type, comment, params)

Creates Result combination object

Param Type Description
no Number Number of Result combination, can be undefined
design_situation_no Number Design situation number
load_case_items Array Array of load cases, can be undefined At least one load case must be specified: - combination type 'General': [[load_case, factor, load_type, operator], [load_case, factor, load_type, load_operator], ...] - other combination types: [[load_case], [load_case], ...]
load_combination_items Array Array of load combinations, can be undefined At least one load combination must be specified: - combination type 'General': [[load_combination, factor, load_type, operator], [load_combination, factor, load_type, load_operator], ...] - other combination types: [[load_combination], [load_combination], ...]
combination_type String Combination type, can be one of these types: GENERAL, ENVELOPE_PERMANENT, ENVELOPE_TRANSIENT, SUPERPOSITION.
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params String Additional parameters, can be undefined

# resultCombination.General(no, design_situation_no, load_case_items, load_combination_items, comment, params)

Creates General Result combination object

Kind: instance method of ResultCombination

Param Type Description
no Number Number of Result combination, can be undefined
design_situation_no Number Design situation number
load_case_items Array Array of load cases, can be undefined At least one load case must be specified: - combination type 'General': [[load_case, factor, load_type, operator], [load_case, factor, load_type, load_operator], ...] - other combination types: [[load_case], [load_case], ...]
load_combination_items Array Array of load combinations, can be undefined At least one load combination must be specified: - combination type 'General': [[load_combination, factor, load_type, operator], [load_combination, factor, load_type, load_operator], ...] - other combination types: [[load_combination], [load_combination], ...]
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params String Additional parameters, can be undefined

# resultCombination.EnvelopePermanent(no, design_situation_no, load_case_items, load_combination_items, comment, params)

Creates Envelope permanent Result combination object

Kind: instance method of ResultCombination

Param Type Description
no Number Number of Result combination, can be undefined
design_situation_no Number Design situation number
load_case_items Array Array of load cases, can be undefined At least one load case must be specified: - combination type 'General': [[load_case, factor, load_type, operator], [load_case, factor, load_type, load_operator], ...] - other combination types: [[load_case], [load_case], ...]
load_combination_items Array Array of load combinations, can be undefined At least one load combination must be specified: - combination type 'General': [[load_combination, factor, load_type, operator], [load_combination, factor, load_type, load_operator], ...] - other combination types: [[load_combination], [load_combination], ...]
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params String Additional parameters, can be undefined

# resultCombination.EnvelopeTransient(no, design_situation_no, load_case_items, load_combination_items, comment, params)

Creates Envelope transient Result combination object

Kind: instance method of ResultCombination

Param Type Description
no Number Number of Result combination, can be undefined
design_situation_no Number Design situation number
load_case_items Array Array of load cases, can be undefined At least one load case must be specified: - combination type 'General': [[load_case, factor, load_type, operator], [load_case, factor, load_type, load_operator], ...] - other combination types: [[load_case], [load_case], ...]
load_combination_items Array Array of load combinations, can be undefined At least one load combination must be specified: - combination type 'General': [[load_combination, factor, load_type, operator], [load_combination, factor, load_type, load_operator], ...] - other combination types: [[load_combination], [load_combination], ...]
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params String Additional parameters, can be undefined

# resultCombination.Superposition(no, design_situation_no, load_case_items, load_combination_items, comment, params)

Creates Superposition Result combination object

Kind: instance method of ResultCombination

Param Type Description
no Number Number of Result combination, can be undefined
design_situation_no Number Design situation number
load_case_items Array Array of load cases, can be undefined (in case the load combinations are specified). At least one load case must be specified: - combination type 'General': [[load_case, factor, load_type, operator], [load_case, factor, load_type, load_operator], ...] - other combination types: [[load_case], [load_case], ...]
load_combination_items Array Array of load combinations, can be undefined At least one load combination must be specified: - combination type 'General': [[load_combination, factor, load_type, operator], [load_combination, factor, load_type, load_operator], ...] - other combination types: [[load_combination], [load_combination], ...]
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params String Additional parameters, can be undefined

# resultCombination.SRSSCombination(use_equivalent_linear_combination, extreme_value_sign, according_load_case_or_combination)

Sets SRSS combination

Kind: instance method of ResultCombination

Param Type Description
use_equivalent_linear_combination Boolean Use equivalent linear combination, can be undefined (false as default)
extreme_value_sign String Extreme value sign, can be undefined ('SIGN_POSITIVE_OR_NEGATIVE' as default)
according_load_case_or_combination Object According load case or combination, can be undefined in case extreme_value_sign is not 'SIGN_ACCORDING_TO_LC_CO'; otherwise must be specified

# resultCombination.ToSolve(to_solve)

Sets to solve

Kind: instance method of ResultCombination

Param Type Description
to_solve Boolean To solve state, can be undefined (true as default)

# resultCombination.GenerateSubCombinations(generate)

Sets Generate sub-combinations of type 'Superposition'

Kind: instance method of ResultCombination

Param Type Description
generate Boolean Generate sub-combinations of 'Superposition' combination type, can be undefined (true as default)

# resultCombination.GetNo() ⇒

Kind: instance method of ResultCombination
Returns: Number of Result combination

# resultCombination.GetResultCombination() ⇒

Kind: instance method of ResultCombination
Returns: Result combination object

# RSectionLoadCase

Kind: global class

# new RSectionLoadCase(no, action_category, name, to_solve, comment, params)

Create RSection Load case

Returns: Load case

Param Type Description
no Number Number of Load case, can be undefined
action_category String Action category
name String Name, can be undefined
to_solve Boolean To solve, can be undefined (true as default)
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params Object Parameters, can be undefined

# rSectionLoadCase.GetLoadcase()

Returns load case object

Kind: instance method of RSectionLoadCase

# rSectionLoadCase.GetNo()

Returns load case number

Kind: instance method of RSectionLoadCase

# RSectionLoadCombination

Kind: global class

# new RSectionLoadCombination(no, load_combination_items, name, to_solve, comment, params)

Create RSection Load combination

Returns: Load combination

Param Type Description
no Number Number of Load case, can be undefined
load_combination_items Array Items of load combination - load case index and factor [[LC1no, factor], [LC2no, factor]]
name String Name, can be undefined
to_solve Boolean To solve, can be undefined (true as default)
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params Object Parameters, can be undefined

# rSectionLoadCombination.AssignLoadCases(load_combination_items) ⇒

Assigns load cases

Kind: instance method of RSectionLoadCombination
Returns: Modified load combination

Param Type Description
load_combination_items Array Load combination items [[load case no, factor], .... ]

# createBaseDesignSituation(no, params, comment) ⇒

Creates base design situation (private)

Kind: global function
Returns: Created design situation object

Param Type Description
no Number Number of design situation, can be undefined
params Object Additional parameters, can be undefined
comment String Comment, can be undefined

# LoadCombination(no, design_situation_no, load_combination_items, comment, params) ⇒

Creates load combination

Kind: global function
Returns: Created load combination

Param Type Description
no Number Load combination index, can be undefined
design_situation_no Object Index of design situation, can be undefined
load_combination_items Array Items of load combination - load case index and factor [[LC1no,factor],[LC2no,factor]]
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params Object Additional parameters, can be undefined

# loadCombination.StaticAnalysis(no, static_analysis_settings, design_situation, comment, params) ⇒

Sets analysis type and static analysis settings

Kind: instance method of LoadCombination
Returns: Modified load combination

Param Type Description
no Number Load combination index, can be undefined
static_analysis_settings Object Static analysis settings
design_situation Object Design situation
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params Object Additional parameters, can be undefined

# loadCombination.ConsiderImperfection(imperfection_case, enabled) ⇒

Sets imperfection case

Kind: instance method of LoadCombination
Returns: Modified load combination

Param Type Description
imperfection_case Object Imperfection case, can be undefined (in case of disabling )
enabled Boolean Enable/disable imperfection case, can be undefined (true as default)

# loadCombination.StructureModification(structure_modification, enabled) ⇒

Sets structure modification

Kind: instance method of LoadCombination
Returns: Modified load combination

Param Type Description
structure_modification Object Structure modification, can be undefined (in case of disabling)
enabled Boolean Enable/disable structure modification, can be undefined (true as default)

# loadCombination.ConsiderInitialState(initial_state_case, initial_state_definition_type, enabled) ⇒

Sets initial state from

Kind: instance method of LoadCombination
Returns: Modified load combination

Param Type Description
initial_state_case Object Initial state, can be undefined (in case of disabling)
initial_state_definition_type String Initial state definition type, can be undefined (DEFINITION_TYPE_FINAL_STATE as default)
enabled Boolean Enable/disable initial state, can be undefined (true as default)

# loadCombination.CriticalLoadForCalculation(stability_analysis_settings, enabled) ⇒

Calculates critical load

Kind: instance method of LoadCombination
Returns: Modified load combination

Param Type Description
stability_analysis_settings Object Stability analysis settings, can be undefined (in case of disabling)
enabled Boolean Enable/disable initial state, can be undefined (true as default)

# loadCombination.CreepCausedByPermanentLoadingCase(creep_caused_by_permanent_loading_case, enabled) ⇒

Creep caused by permanent load from

Kind: instance method of LoadCombination
Returns: Modified load combination

Param Type Description
creep_caused_by_permanent_loading_case Object Creep caused by permanent loading case, can be undefined (in case of disabling)
enabled Boolean Enable/disable loading case, can be undefined (true as default)

# loadCombination.ConsiderConstructionStage(construction_stage, enabled) ⇒

Consider construction stage

Kind: instance method of LoadCombination
Returns: Modified load combination

Param Type Description
construction_stage Object Construction stage, can be undefined (in case of disabling)
enabled Boolean Enable/disable construction stage, can be undefined (true as default)

# loadCombination.AssignLoadCases(load_combination_items) ⇒

Assigns load cases

Kind: instance method of LoadCombination
Returns: Modified load combination

Param Type Description
load_combination_items Array Load combination items [[load case no, factor], .... ]

# loadCombination.ToSolve(to_solve) ⇒

Sets load combination to solve

Kind: instance method of LoadCombination
Returns: Modified load combination

Param Type Description
to_solve Boolean Enable/disable load combination to solve, can be undefined (true as default)

# createBaseLoadCombination(no, comment, params) ⇒

Creates load combination (private)

Kind: global function
Returns: Created load combination

Param Type Description
no Number Load combination index, can be undefined
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params Object Additional parameters, can be undefined

# createBaseLoadCase(no, action_category, name, to_solve, comment, params) ⇒

Kind: global function
Returns: Load case

Param Type Description
no Number Number of Load case, can be undefined
action_category String Action category
name String Name, can be undefined
to_solve Boolean To solve, can be undefined (true as default)
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params Object Parameters, can be undefined

# createBaseLoadCombinations(no, name, to_solve, comment, params) ⇒

Create RSection Load combination

Kind: global function
Returns: Load combination

Param Type Description
no Number Number of Load case, can be undefined
name String Name, can be undefined
to_solve Boolean To solve, can be undefined (true as default)
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params Object Parameters, can be undefined