# SpecialObjects

# StructureModification

Kind: global class

# new StructureModification(no, comment, params)

Creates member

Returns: Created structure modification

Param Type Description
no Number Index of structure modification, can be undefined
comment String Comment, can be undefined
params Object Structure modification's parameters, can be undefined

# structureModification.Material(material_name, modification_type, factor_for_e_and_g, comment)

Modification of material

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
material_name String Name of material
modification_type String Type of modification ("Multiplier factor", "Division factor"), can be undefined (Multiplier factor as default)
factor_for_e_and_g Number Factor for E and G, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
comment String Comment, can be undefined

# structureModification.Section(section_name, sectional_areas_factor_a, sectional_areas_factor_a_y, sectional_areas_factor_a_z, moment_of_inertia_factor_j, moment_of_inertia_favor_i_y, moment_of_inertia_favor_i_z)

Modification of section

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
section_name String Name of section
sectional_areas_factor_a Number Sectional areas factor A, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
sectional_areas_factor_a_y Number Sectional areas factor Ay, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
sectional_areas_factor_a_z Number Sectional areas factor Az, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
moment_of_inertia_factor_j Number Moment of inertia factor J, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
moment_of_inertia_favor_i_y Number Moment of inertia factor Iy, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
moment_of_inertia_favor_i_z Number Moment of inertia factor Iz, can be undefined (1.00 by default)

# structureModification.Members(member_stiffness_modification, members, comment)

Modification of members

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
member_stiffness_modification Object Member stiffness modification index
members Array List of members indexes
comment String Comment, can be undefined, can be undefined

# structureModification.Surfaces(surface_stiffness_modification, surfaces, comment)

Modification of surfaces

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
surface_stiffness_modification Object Surface stiffness modification index
surfaces Array List of surfaces indexes
comment String Comment, can be undefined

# structureModification.MemberHinges(member_no, member_side, translational_factor_u_x, translational_factor_u_y, translational_factor_u_z, rotational_factor_phi_x, rotational_factor_phi_y, rotational_factor_phi_z)

Modification of member hinges

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
member_no Number Member index
member_side String Member hinge side (start, end)
translational_factor_u_x Number Translational spring constant Cu,x, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
translational_factor_u_y Number Translational spring constant Cu,y, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
translational_factor_u_z Number Translational spring constant Cu,z, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
rotational_factor_phi_x Number Rotational spring constant Cφ,x, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
rotational_factor_phi_y Number Rotational spring constant Cφ,y, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
rotational_factor_phi_z Number Rotational spring constant Cφ,z, can be undefined (1.00 by default)

# structureModification.LineHinges(surface_no, line_no, translational_factor_u_x, translational_factor_u_y, translational_factor_u_z, rotational_factor_phi_x)

MOdification for line hinges

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
surface_no Number Surface index
line_no Number Line index
translational_factor_u_x Number Translational factor Cu,x, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
translational_factor_u_y Number Translational factor Cu,y, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
translational_factor_u_z Number Translational factor Cu,z, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
rotational_factor_phi_x Number Rotational factor Cφ,x, can be undefined (1.00 by default)

# structureModification.NodalSupports(node_no, support_factor_ux, support_factor_uy, support_factor_uz, restraint_factor_phi_x, restraint_factor_phi_y, restraint_factor_phi_z)

Modification of nodal supports

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
node_no Number Node index
support_factor_ux Number Support factor Cu,x, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
support_factor_uy Number Support factor Cu,y, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
support_factor_uz Number Support factor Cu,z, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
restraint_factor_phi_x Number Restraint factor Cφ,x, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
restraint_factor_phi_y Number Restraint factor Cφ,y, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
restraint_factor_phi_z Number Restraint factor Cφ,z, can be undefined (1.00 by default)

# structureModification.LineSupports(line_no, translational_factor_u_x, translational_factor_u_y, translational_factor_u_z, rotational_factor_phi_x, rotational_factor_phi_y, rotational_factor_phi_z)

Modification of line supports

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
line_no Number Line index
translational_factor_u_x Number Translational factor Cu,x, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
translational_factor_u_y Number Translational factor Cu,y, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
translational_factor_u_z Number Transational factor Cu,z, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
rotational_factor_phi_x Number Rotational factor Cφ,x, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
rotational_factor_phi_y Number Rotational factor Cφ,z, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
rotational_factor_phi_z Number Rotational factor Cφ,z, can be undefined (1.00 by default)

# structureModification.MemberSupports(member_no, translational_factor_u_x, translational_factor_u_y, translational_factor_u_z, shear_factor_s_x, shear_factor_s_y, shear_factor_s_z, rotational_factor_phi_x)

Modification of member supports

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
member_no Number Member index
translational_factor_u_x Number Translational factor Cu,x, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
translational_factor_u_y Number Translational factor Cu,y, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
translational_factor_u_z Number Translational factor Cu,z, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
shear_factor_s_x Number Shear factor Cs,x, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
shear_factor_s_y Number Shear factor Cs,y, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
shear_factor_s_z Number Shear factor Cs,z, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
rotational_factor_phi_x Number Rotational factor Cφ,x, can be undefined (1.00 by default)

# structureModification.SurfaceSupports(surface_no, translational_factor_u_x, translational_factor_u_y, translational_factor_u_z, shear_factor_v_xz, shear_factor_v_yz)

Modification of surface supports

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
surface_no Number Surface index
translational_factor_u_x Number Translational factor Cu,x, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
translational_factor_u_y Number Translational factor Cu,y, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
translational_factor_u_z Number Translational factor Cu,z, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
shear_factor_v_xz Number Shear factor Cv,xz, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
shear_factor_v_yz Number Shear factor Cv,yz, can be undefined (1.00 by default)

# structureModification.DeactivateObjects(members_object_selection, surfaces_object_selection, solids_object_selection, support_on_nodes_object_selection, support_on_lines_object_selection, support_on_members_object_selection, support_on_surfaces_object_selection)

Deactivation of objects

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
members_object_selection Object Object selection with deactivated members, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
surfaces_object_selection Object Object selection with deactivated surfaces, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
solids_object_selection Object Object selection with deactivated solids, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
support_on_nodes_object_selection Object Object selection with deactivated nodal's supports, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
support_on_lines_object_selection Object Object selection with deactivated line's supports, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
support_on_members_object_selection Object Object selection with deactivated member's supports, can be undefined (1.00 by default)
support_on_surfaces_object_selection Object Object selection with deactivated surfaces's supports, can be undefined (1.00 by default)

# structureModification.ModifyMemberReinforcement(enabled)

Sets member concrete reinforcement

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
enabled Boolean Enabled, true if undefined

# structureModification.ModifySurfaceReinforcement(enabled)

Sets surface concrete reinforcement

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
enabled Boolean Enabled, true if undefined

# structureModification.ModifyTimberMember(enabled)

Sets timber members due to moisture class

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
enabled Boolean Enabled, true if undefined

# structureModification.DisableMaterialNonlinearityModels(disabled)

Deactivates material nonlinearity models

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
disabled Boolean Disabled, true if undefined

# structureModification.DisableTemperatureDependencies(disabled)

Deactivates temperature dependencies

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
disabled Boolean Disabled, true if undefined

# structureModification.DisableNonlinearitiesLineHinges(disabled)

Deactivates line nonlinearities - line hinges

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
disabled Boolean Disabled, true if undefined

# structureModification.DisableNonlinearitiesMemberTypes(disabled)

Deactivates member nonlinearities - member types

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
disabled Boolean Disabled, true if undefined

# structureModification.DisableNonlinearitiesMemberHinges(disabled)

Deactivates member nonlinearities - member hinges

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
disabled Boolean Disabled, true if undefined

# structureModification.DisableMemberNonlinearities(disabled)

Deactivates member nonlinearities

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
disabled Boolean Disabled, true if undefined

# structureModification.DisableNonlinearitiesSurfaceOrSolidContact(disabled)

Deactivates contact nonlinearities - surface contact, solid types "Contact"

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
disabled Boolean Disabled, true if undefined

# structureModification.DisableNonlinearitiesNodalSupports(disabled)

Deactivates support nonlinearities - nodal supports

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
disabled Boolean Disabled, true if undefined

# structureModification.DisableNonlinearitiesLineSupports(disabled)

Deactivates support nonlinearities - line supports

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
disabled Boolean Disabled, true if undefined

# structureModification.DisableNonlinearitiesMemberSupports(disabled)

Deactivates support nonlinearities - member supports

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
disabled Boolean Disabled, true if undefined

# structureModification.DisableNonlinearitiesSurfaceSupports(disabled)

Deactivates support nonlinearities - surface supports

Kind: instance method of StructureModification

Param Type Description
disabled Boolean Disabled, true if undefined

# setTableValue(value, table, tableParameter, row, controlParameter, errorString)

Sets table value (private)

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
value Number Value to set
table String Table to set
tableParameter String Table parameter with value to set
row Number Row with parameter and its value
controlParameter Number Control parameter to check, if value can be set
errorString Number Error message in case the value cannot be set

# getMembersWithHinges() ⇒

Finds all members with hinges (private)

Kind: global function
Returns: List with array (member index, member side, member hinge)

# getLinesWithHinges() ⇒

Finds all lines with hinges (private)

Kind: global function
Returns: List with array (surface index, line index, line hinge)

# getObjectsWithSupport(objects_list) ⇒

Finds all specified objects with hinges

Kind: global function
Returns: List with array (object's index, support)

Param Type Description
objects_list Object Object's container